The Treasure Of a woman

 I have heard the cry of the stranded


Men come rushing like the droplet of the rain when the cry of help is heard.

Showing their faces like the morning sun

I have heard "well done" as sweat drip down their cheeks and the cutless cry of old age.

We have heard the tales of the able men. 

But no man can exist without a woman

Like a tree that can't grow without a soil.

So we call our lands

'Mother land'

 From United Freedom Party. We say Ayekoo for the sweat she'd in the kitchen, washing the feeble body called a baby that even the able men flee from. For your ability to hold firm in this unstable system.

We say, Happy Women's Day.

                                   To: All women


  1. Beautiful piece, I can't agree less

  2. The world would have been meaningless without 'WOMEN'

  3. Awesome, such a masterpiece 🔥🔥

  4. UFP all the way. In unity we soar❤️

  5. The party you can always trust. We are number two on the ballot paper. Vote for us. In unity we soar

  6. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅

  7. Thank you for considering women🙏🏽


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